

  • 與總理哈珀及博勵治的前國會議員
  • 35年以上政府經驗
  • 為列治文帶來改善:主要基礎設施及本地計劃和服務


  • 減稅,增加貿易,促進經濟增長
  • 反對開放毒品政策,支持增加治療服務
  • 減少罪案:強制判刑,而非杜魯多的「逮捕與釋放」
  • 修正移民政策以滿足加拿大的需求







  • 兒童活動
  • 照相亭
  • 音樂
  • 茶點





  1. 與前市長格雷格·哈爾西-布蘭特(Greg Halsey-Brandt)合作,改變城市服務以提供翻譯並聘用多元化員工以滿足居民的語言需求。
  2. 確定了建立非營利服務中心的需求,該中心已建成並命名為關懷之地(Caring Place)。
  3. 與SUCCESS合作擴展和資助列治文的計劃和服務,讓居民能夠享受本地服務,如LINC課程等。
  4. 聯邦移民專家,平衡加拿大的需求(投資者、技術工人、家庭團聚)並幫助新移民免費學習英語。
  5. 資助SUCCESS提供CANN,即位於YVR的機場歡迎中心。
  6. 為列治文居民爭取並獲得免費多國語言電視台(Omni),讓他們能夠獲取新聞和節目。
  7. 在30年內與許多社區領袖合作,為徵收人頭稅的道歉而奮鬥,最終在2006年由哈珀總理給予。
  8. 撰寫並實施了“國際學生安全計劃”,在列治文及全加拿大其他校區提供此服務。
  9. 撰寫並實施了“寄養父母培訓計劃”和“卑詩省社區社會規劃”,在列治文提供此服務。
  10. 在東區開放毒品政策的前線工作和志願服務了10年,並已經反對這一政策超過30年。
  11. 參加了許多研討會和工作坊,最終將孩子們帶回家以拯救他們,結果在我家寄養了7名孩子。
  12. 作為Marpole居民的顧問,反對位於小學對面的TMH。認識到列治文TMH的問題,將利用我35年的經驗來打擊硬毒品、擴大治療計畫以讓人成功戒毒。
  13. 倡導並建立了邊緣青年資助及計劃,以阻止青少年加入幫派。
  14. 發起了加拿大150周年國家打鼓項目,打破了健力士世界紀錄。


  1. 作為國會議員:
    1. 建設了91號公路,連接列治文東西,
    2. 疏浚了菲沙河,以改善史提夫斯頓港及三角洲港的海域通道,以支持當地經濟、貿易及就業,
    3. 作為交通和基礎設施委員會成員,以數百萬的資金作建設更新,使YVR成為全球最佳的機場之一、三角洲港的更新和擴建,
    4. 與Translink合作安裝票閘,以阻止車票濫用並收回可以用於更多交通基礎設施的數百萬損失。
  2. 作為公共安全委員會成員,實施了對重犯的強制判刑,但杜魯多用「逮捕與釋放」方式取而代之。
  3. 支持將傳統中醫和針灸納入加拿大的醫療保健系統。
  4. 與哈珀總理共同實現了平衡預算、增強經濟和就業及增加貿易和投資。將減稅收!
  5. 代表加拿大在亞太議會論壇(27個國家)上促進貿易和投資。促進我們的經濟和就業!
  6. 擊敗前卑詩省省長杜新志(Ujjal Dosanjh),成為33年來溫哥華唯一的保守黨國會議員。
  7. 作為多個大溫哥華多元文化慶祝活動和遊行的區域主辦組織者。
  8. 談判並贏得北美唯一的人民幣金融中心,為加拿大企業節省了數百萬的費用。
  9. 運營五星級選區辦公室,提供7種語言服務。
  10. 為國會議員開發了亞太走廊之旅,以展示貿易和經濟機會,促進重大基礎設施投資。


  1. 為反對開放毒品政策奮鬥,反對TMH;在東區志願服務10年:寄養了7名孩子,創立了30多年的食品及邊緣青年計劃。將繼續奮鬥!
  2. 與我的扶輪社朋友們一起展示在市政廳舉辦的2024冬季仙境活動,為本地項目籌集得60,000元。(請投票支持我16號的樹)
  3. 在列治文救世軍擔任廚房志願人士,為無家可歸者烹飪餐點並收集食物。
  4. 舉辦了多次公開會談,以了解居民最關心的事項,讓我在渥太華處理。
  5. 參加了列治文商會的晚會,並與當地企業舉辦商業圓桌會議。
  6. 在列治文的新冠病毒及流感疫苗診所作志願服務。
  7. 參加烏克蘭聖誕市場及晚宴以支持烏克蘭。
  8. 與本地猶太社區會面以對抗反猶太主義。
  9. 與高中學生會面以鼓勵他們參加扶輪社和社區志願服務。



As Community Leader & Social Policy Expert:

  1. Worked with former Mayor Greg Halsey-Brandt to change city services to provide translation and hire diverse staff to meet resident language needs.
  2. Identified the need for a non-profit service centre, which was built and named the Caring Place.
  3. Worked with SUCCESS to expand and fund programs & services in Richmond, so residents have local services such as LINC classes, etc.
  4. Federal Immigration specialist who balanced Canadian needs (investors, skilled workers, family reunification) & helped newcomers with free ESL.
  5. Funded SUCCESS to provide CANN, the airport welcome center at YVR.
  6. Fought for and got Free multilingual TV (Omni) so Richmond residents have access to news & programs.
  7. Worked with many, many community leaders over 30 years to fight for the Head Tax apology, finally given by PM Harper in 2006.
  8. ⁠Wrote and implemented: “Safety Program for International Students” delivered in Richmond and other campuses across Canada.
  9. Wrote and implemented “Foster Parent Training Program” and “Social Planning for B.C. Communities” used in Richmond.
  10. Worked & volunteered for 10 yrs in the Front Lines of open drug policy in Downtown Eastside and have been advocating against this for 30+ yrs. 11. Attended many seminars, workshops, and finally took kids home to save them, resulting in fostering 7 children in my home.
  11. Advisor to Marpole residents against TMH across from elementary school. Recognize issues with TMH in Richmond and will use my 35 yrs experience to combat hard drugs, expand treatment and bring people home drug free.
  12. Advocated for and established Youth-at-Risk funding and programs to stop youth from joining gangs.

As Member of Parliament, Vice-Chair of BC Caucus:

  1. As Member of Parliament:
    1. Built Hwy 91, connecting Richmond East-West,
    2. Dredged Fraser River to improve marine access for Steveston Harbour and Delta Port to support local economy, trade & jobs,
    3. As Member of the Transportation & Infrastructure committee, got millions in upgrades, making YVR Airport best in world, Delta Port upgrades and expansions,
    4. Worked with Translink to install faregates to stop fare abuse and capture lost millions that can be used for more transportation infrastructure.
  1. As member on Public Safety Committee, implemented mandatory sentences for repeat offenders, which Trudeau replaced with “catch & release”.
  2. Supported the addition of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Accupuncture into our Health care system.
  3. Delivered with Prime Minister Harper on balanced budgets, strong economy and jobs, increased trade and investments. Will Ax the Tax!
  4. Represented Canada to grow trade & investment at Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (27 nations). Grow our economy & jobs!

As Local Volunteer:

  1. Took action against open drug policy, fought against TMH; 10 years volunteer Downtown Eastside: fostered 7 kids, founded 30+ years Food & Youth At-Risk programs. Will continue to fight!
  2. With my Rotary friends, presented 2024 Winter Wonderland at City Hall to raise $60,000 (please vote for my tree, #16) to local projects.
  3. Kitchen volunteer to cook meals for homeless at Richmond Salvation Army, and collect food.
  4. ⁠Hosted numerous public meetings to determine resident priorities for me to work on in Ottawa.
  5. ⁠Attended Richmond Chamber of Commerce gala and hosted business round tables with local businesses.
  6. Volunteered at Richmond wide Covid & Flu vaccine clinic.
  7. Attended Ukrainian Christmas market & dinners to support the Ukraine.
  8. ⁠Met with local Jewish community to fight anti-semitism.
  9. ⁠Met with high school students to encourage their participation in Rotary and community voluntarism.

My first home was in Richmond and I am happy to be living here and serving our community.

These are just some highlights of my contributions to Richmond. I have and always will be a committed community advocate for local needs. My commitment is to help and to have an impact while building a stronger community for our residents.

As Community Leader & Social Policy Expert:

  1. Worked with former Mayor Greg Halsey-Brandt to change city services to provide translation and hire diverse staff to meet resident language needs.
  2. Identified the need for a non-profit service centre, which was built and named the Caring Place.
  3. Worked with SUCCESS to expand and fund programs & services in Richmond, so residents have local services such as LINC classes, etc.
  4. Federal Immigration specialist who balanced Canadian needs (investors, skilled workers, family reunification) & helped newcomers with free ESL.
  5. Funded SUCCESS to provide CANN, the airport welcome center at YVR.
  6. Fought for and got Free multilingual TV (Omni) so Richmond residents have access to news & programs.
  7. Worked with many, many community leaders over 30 years to fight for the Head Tax apology, finally given by PM Harper in 2006.
  8. ⁠Wrote and implemented: “Safety Program for International Students” delivered in Richmond and other campuses across Canada.
  9. Wrote and implemented “Foster Parent Training Program” and “Social Planning for B.C. Communities” used in Richmond.
  10. Worked & volunteered for 10 yrs in the Front Lines of open drug policy in Downtown Eastside and have been advocating against this for 30+ yrs. 11. Attended many seminars, workshops, and finally took kids home to save them, resulting in fostering 7 children in my home.
  11. Advisor to Marpole residents against TMH across from elementary school. Recognize issues with TMH in Richmond and will use my 35 yrs experience to combat hard drugs, expand treatment and bring people home drug free.
  12. Advocated for and established Youth-at-Risk funding and programs to stop youth from joining gangs.

As Member of Parliament, Vice-Chair of BC Caucus:

  1. As Member of Parliament:
    1. Built Hwy 91, connecting Richmond East-West,
    2. Dredged Fraser River to improve marine access for Steveston Harbour and Delta Port to support local economy, trade & jobs,
    3. As Member of the Transportation & Infrastructure committee, got millions in upgrades, making YVR Airport best in world, Delta Port upgrades and expansions,
    4. Worked with Translink to install faregates to stop fare abuse and capture lost millions that can be used for more transportation infrastructure.
  1. As member on Public Safety Committee, implemented mandatory sentences for repeat offenders, which Trudeau replaced with “catch & release”.
  2. Supported the addition of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Accupuncture into our Health care system.
  3. Delivered with Prime Minister Harper on balanced budgets, strong economy and jobs, increased trade and investments. Will Ax the Tax!
  4. Represented Canada to grow trade & investment at Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (27 nations). Grow our economy & jobs!

As Local Volunteer:

  1. Took action against open drug policy, fought against TMH; 10 years volunteer Downtown Eastside: fostered 7 kids, founded 30+ years Food & Youth At-Risk programs. Will continue to fight!
  2. With my Rotary friends, presented 2024 Winter Wonderland at City Hall to raise $60,000 (please vote for my tree, #16) to local projects.
  3. Kitchen volunteer to cook meals for homeless at Richmond Salvation Army, and collect food.
  4. ⁠Hosted numerous public meetings to determine resident priorities for me to work on in Ottawa.
  5. ⁠Attended Richmond Chamber of Commerce gala and hosted business round tables with local businesses.
  6. Volunteered at Richmond wide Covid & Flu vaccine clinic.
  7. Attended Ukrainian Christmas market & dinners to support the Ukraine.
  8. ⁠Met with local Jewish community to fight anti-semitism.
  9. ⁠Met with high school students to encourage their participation in Rotary and community voluntarism.

My first home was in Richmond and I am happy to be living here and serving our community.

These are just some highlights of my contributions to Richmond. I have and always will be a committed community advocate for local needs. My commitment is to help and to have an impact while building a stronger community for our residents.

  • Wai to provide new list
  • Took action against open drug policy, fought against TMH; 10 years volunteer Downtown Eastside: fostered 7 kids, founded 30+ years Food & Youth At-Risk programs. Will continue to fight!
  • Public Safety member: Implemented law for mandatory minimum sentences for repeat offenders instead of Trudeau’s “catch & release”.
  • Federal Immigration specialist who balanced Canadian needs (investors, skilled workers, family reunification) & helped newcomers with free ESL.
  • Delivered with Prime Minister Harper on balanced budgets, strong economy and jobs, increased trade and investments. Will Ax the Tax!
  • Represented Canada to grow trade & investment at Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum (27 nations). Grow our economy & jobs!

About Wai Young

Wai Young’s work and achievements have touched millions of lives in Richmond and across Canada: 

As Community Advocate and Social Planning Consultant:

  • Under former Mayor Halsey-Brandt, directed city services to provide language translation, created the Caring Place to better serve newcomers.
  • Fought for Head Tax Apology from Federal Government, delivered by Prime Minister Harper in 2006. 
  • Fought for and won Free multilingual TV station (OMNI) so newcomers had access to news.
  • Wrote and implemented “Safety Instructions for International Students” delivered in all campuses across Canada.
  • Wrote and implemented “Foster Parent Training Program” for BC and Canada.
As Member of Parliament:
  • Built Highway 91, connecting Richmond to Metro Vancouver. 
  • Dredged Fraser River to assist marine access for port, fishery and recreational use.
  • Millions in contributions to Vancouver Airport, Delta and Vancouver Ports to support economic growth & jobs.
  • Installed Faregates on train lines to capture fares to support Translink for  
As Federal Government Immigration Specialist: 
  • LINC
  • CANN
As Provincial Ministry of Social Services Child Care, Senior’s Worker:
  • DTE
  • Fought open drug
  • Helped Seniors with income assistance and find affordable homes
As Community Volunteer and Advocate:
  • Youth at Risk 
  • Breakfast 
  • YWCA

Awards Highlights

  • Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal Recipient
  • YWCA Woman of Distinction Award Nominee
  • Volunteer of the Year, Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation
  • Anti-Racism Award, Canadian Federation of Municipalities

A depth of experience, a passion to build stronger communities, a proven track record of achievements—Wai Young will work For You On Day One, without having to learn for years.




Priority Actions

  • Oppose harmful drugs, combat crime, increase public safety
  • Axe the tax, make life more affordable, build the homes
  • Grow the economy to create more jobs
  • Build infrastructure, reduce traffic, Massey tunnel replacement



  1. 住在列治文東-史提夫斯頓選區 (透過郵遞區號確認)
  2. 是14歲以上的加拿大公民或永久居民
  3. 加入成為加拿大保守黨的會員
  4. 親臨提名選舉大會投票支持楊蕭慧儀。​ (日期尚未宣布)







楊蕭慧儀的豐富經驗、備受肯定的成就記錄和對服務的奉獻精神將幫助我們建立更強大的家庭、更安全的社區及繁榮的列治文東-史提夫斯頓(Richmond East-Steveston)。

請加入我的行列,贏得這選區的競選,讓博勵治 (Pierre Poilievre) 成為加拿大下一任總理,領導多數保守黨政府!

Your donation goes directly towards key campaign activities such as:

  • New member outreach
  • Campaign literature
  • Hosting events


Support Wai Young


Every donation dollar will help Wai win.

Please donate to support Wai to win the nomination to be your Candidate!

Wai’s experience, proven track record, and dedication to service will help us build stronger families, safer communities, and a prosperous Richmond East-Steveston.

Join our fight to win this riding so Pierre Poilievre can be Canada’s next Prime Minister, leading a majority Conservative government!

Your donation goes directly towards key campaign activities such as:

  • New member outreach
  • Campaign literature
  • Hosting events

Please note: Donations to nomination campaigns are not eligible for tax credit. Each person can donate a maximum of $1725 annually to nomination campaigns.

Make a credit card donation by choosing an amount:

Or contact us at hello@waiyoung.ca to make a donation by cheque.

How To Vote For Wai

You must be a party member to vote for Wai to win the nomination!

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Do you or friends and family live in Richmond East-Steveston?

Donate & Help

Donate here to Wai's campaign.
Help Wai sign up your friends and family.

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Help Wai win by becoming a member of the Conservative Party.

Vote for Wai

Come to the nomination meeting in person to vote for Wai. (Date & location TBA.)


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“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name
“A testimonial from a client who benefited from your product or service. Testimonials can be a highly effective way of establishing credibility and increasing your company's reputation.”
Client Name

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Secure your vote in the nomination by becoming a Conservative Party member today!

Parliamentary Experience

  • A Former Member of Parliament with exceptional government experience, Wai can fight for you on Day One in Ottawa!
  • Wai will work immediately on important Richmond East-Steveston issues and bring home the support we need for a better community.
  • Wai served on 6 Parliamentary Committees, including Public Safety, Transportation and Infrastructure, Government Operations, Status of Women and others, where she delivered on critical issues the South Fraser Perimeter Rd (Hwy 17) connecting Richmond to Delta and Surrey.

A Safer Community

    • Wai is an experienced community advocate who knows how to get things done and has delivered new legislation and funding for over hundreds of community projects as a community leader and as a Member of Parliament.
    • Wai supported tough-on-crime legislation that sent repeat violent offenders to jail. She also drafted Bill C-369, An Act to protect critical infrastructure from extremist activists who harm vulnerable infrastructure in our communities such as cell towers, power plants, roads & bridges that keep us safe.
    • Wai Young will continue to advocate for safe communities and defend against radical drug activists in our neighbourhoods with Pierre Poilievre as Prime Minister.

Proven Track Record

  • Community Involvement: Wai has dedicated her life to volunteering and service. She has witnessed how a free drug policy has devastated lives, families and communities in the Downtown Eastside, and will fight to protect Richmond.
  • Wai has also fought for and delivered solutions: Canada’s longest serving breakfast program, services and supports for At-Risk Youth, a Foster Parent Training Program, the expansion of settlement integration programs & agencies such as SUCCESS in Richmond.
  • Delivering for Constituents: Wai delivered investments in over 60 community infrastructure projects including; faregates, neighbourhood houses, local parks & community centres, supportive housing, employment & skills programs at the Salvation Army, Wavefront and the Asia Pacific Gateway Skills Program.


    • 楊蕭慧儀是一位經驗豐富的社區倡導者,能有效做出成果,並作為社區領袖和前前國會議員,為數百個社區計畫提供了新的立法和資金。
    • 楊蕭慧儀支持嚴厲打擊犯罪的立法,支持立法將暴力犯罪的慣犯送進監獄。她並起草了C-369 法案,該法案旨在保護關鍵基礎設施,免受極端主義活動分子的侵害,這些活動分子損害了我們社區中脆弱的基礎設施,例如保障我們安全的手機信號塔、發電廠、道路和橋樑。
    • 楊蕭慧儀將繼續倡導安全社區,並在博勵治(Pierre Poilievre)任總理的情況下,抵禦我們社區中的激進毒品活動分子。


  • 社區參與:爲志願服務獻出畢生心血。她目睹了一項免費毒品政策如何摧毀了市中心東區的生活、家庭和社區,並將爲保護列治文而戰。
  • 楊蕭慧儀爭取並推出解決方案:加拿大服務時間最長的早餐項目、爲邊緣青年提供的服務和支持、寄養父母培訓項目、擴大定居融合項目和機構,例如在列治文的中僑互助會。
  • 爲選民提供服務:楊蕭慧儀爲60多個社區基礎設施項目提供了投資,包括:票價門、鄰里住宅、本區公園和社區中心、支持性住房、救世軍的就業和技能計劃、Wavefront和亞太門戶技能計劃(Asia Pacific Gateway)。


  • 作為具有卓越政府經驗的前議員,楊蕭慧儀可以在渥太華的第一天就為您而戰!
  • 楊蕭慧儀將立即處理列治文東-史提夫斯頓重要的問題,並為我們帶來更好的社區所需的支持。
  • 楊蕭慧儀曾任六個議會委員,包括公共安全、交通及基礎設施、政府營運、婦女地位等委員會,在該委員會就連接列治文與三角洲和素里市的南菲沙周邊路(17 號公路)發表重要議題。